Sunday, October 26, 2008

Log Cabin Quilt

I started this one when my baby girl was sleeping this afternoon :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two littles birds told me....

I took the patterns on the blog of a talented lady, she design such nice crafts, I wish I was only half talented as her lol It's in french but it's worth it to take a look :) follow me it's here

I made those two little birds in acrylic paint, on two 14" X 11" canvas.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

sewing... and more sewing ;)

I had a swap with a dear friend of mine and here are some of the gifts I made for her :)

A little dress for her daughter to come (They are adopting a little angel from China).

I'm not sure what they call this one in English lol I know in french we call it "turbulette" or Nid d'ange (angel nest)

And for her.... a purse :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My little pixie (15 months)